The work revolves around a comedic framework about (Hassan) and (Ismail), two cousins, where an old traditional struggle takes place between them to...
Sayed Al-Jada decides to deceive his five children by selling the pension they share with forged documents, claiming that he will travel to meet with...
A wealthy landlord floods and destroys a village on purpose to prevent the people living there from making a profit off their crops. What he doesn't...
After we last see him in "Alexandria, Why?" Egyptian filmmaker Yehia Mourad is in his thirties, and successful in his work, he has grown distant from...
An enterprising Saudi girl signs on for her school's Quran recitation competition as a way to raise the remaining funds she needs in order to buy the...
When his daughter is abducted, Karam thinks a businessman, affected by a decision he made, is behind it. Little does he know the mastermind is among...
The baker Qissa(Rawan Mahdi) and a young man talented in playing football Zad(Alexander Uloom) live in slum areas. They face the harshest conditions...
The events of the series revolve around the steadfastness of the people of the city of (Haditha), which is located in (Anbar) Governorate in Iraq, as...
The events revolve around a group of elderly people and retirees, as they make the decision to enroll in literacy classes, and they go through daily...